

联合国的使命 办公室 of 多元化和包容性 is to promote 和 sustain a diverse 和 inclusive learning, 生活, 以及所有成员都能茁壮成长并取得成功的工作环境.

我们努力为学生提供, 工作人员, 和拥有知识的教员, 技能, 和 resources to nurture a campus climate in which all are respected 和 valued. 我们致力于消除权力不平衡, 制度的偏见, 和 systems of oppression that st和 in the way of any community member achieving their potential. 放眼bwin体育以外的社区, we seek to prepare lifelong critical thinkers 和 leaders able to contribute to a just, 包容多元的世界.



ODI的扩展, 位于劳什校园bwin体育的二楼, serves as a communal gathering space w在这里 all individuals are welcome 和 encouraged to communicate 和 collaborate with one another. 



对外直接投资大楼的一楼是对外直接投资工作人员的正式办公室. 的 second floor includes a large conference room 和 two breakout rooms that can be reserved by faculty for events 和 workshops. T在这里 are also study rooms upstairs that are available for students during working hours 和 a designated study room for Atkins Scholars.



的 美国公民自由联盟(ACLU) of 肯塔基州 promotes, protects, 和 defends individuals’ rights guaranteed by the U.S. 和肯塔基州宪法. One of the ways we accomplish that mission is by litigating cases in 肯塔基州’s state 和 federal courts that will have a broad impact on civil liberties, either by setting a legal precedent or by affecting the policies 和 actions of public officials. Our efforts include providing direct legal representation to individuals in certain cases, 和 filing amicus (friend-of-the-court) briefs w在这里 significant civil liberties are implicated.


关心人际关系的公民 (CCHR) is a multiracial group of citizens committed to creating in Danville, 肯塔基州, 牧师所描述的可爱的社区. 马丁·路德·金.“一个尊重和肯定其所有成员尊严的社会, 一个建立在共同人性基础上、文化多样性丰富的共同体.”
联系人: J.H. 阿特金斯在 jh.atkins@thehomecosmos.com


的 丹维尔-博伊尔县非裔美国人历史学会 is a group of dedicated community members who believe it is our civic responsibility to ensure that our presence, 存在, 和 contributions provide the public knowledge that is essential for future generations to underst和 和 appreciate the African American heritage in this community. 阅读有关丹维尔黑人历史的本地戏剧,请点击 在这里.
联系人: 迈克尔·休斯,859.326.6065


的 肯塔基州人权委员会 is the state government authority that enforces the 肯塔基州 Civil Rights Act (肯塔基州 Revised Statutes Chapter 344), 和, 通过它与美国的关系.S. 房屋署 & 城市发展与美国.S. 平等就业机会委员会,执行联邦民权法.


联合国的使命 全国有色人种协进会 是确保政治, 教育, 社会, 和 economic equality of rights of all persons 和 to eliminate race-based discrimination.

ODI通讯每月出版一次,包括与多样性有关的新闻, 公告, 以及即将到来的活动. 





的 办公室 of 多元化和包容性 provides many resources for students to connect with peer 和 cultural groups, 再加上额外的培训资源, 报告和更多.




的 办公室 of 多元化和包容性 also provides resources for faculty 和 工作人员 to participate in workshops, 获得培训, 与小组联系, 和 take part in programs that help every employee work together harmoniously in a diverse workforce.

多样性、股票、 & 包含员工